Your best 2000 kcal :)

This is a just a generic title. “2000 kcal” is a daily average intake. But we are different people with different needs in different moments of our lives. It can be 2500 or 3000 kcal if we train hard or 1250 kcal if we want to loose weight. But in this article I want to focus more on what’s inside of these daily calories. I want to focus more on the quality of these daily calories and I chose the number “2000” just as an example (and also because it is more popular). Let’s think more about nutrients than calories. We need proteins, fats, carbs, vitamins and minerals. But quality proteins, healthy fats, complex carbs, vitamins and minerals from natural sources sounds better.

What is the best number of meals per day ?

Well I don’t think there is a best number of meals per day. A balanced approach can be like three main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and two snacks but there is not a rule. There are people who are feeling good skipping the breakfast and there are people who feel better if they do not eat in the evening. For some people eating often and small portions works better and for some people eating bigger portions with a few hours in between is more convenient. So don’t think that very strict rules are always the key, but also keep in mind that with one meal per day is hard to impossible to get all the nutrients your body needs…

What to look for ?

Think at proteins like building blocks, if your body is a fortress the proteins are the bricks. Look for quality proteins: animal proteins - beef, lean cuts of pork, fish, eggs as much as you can afford, and plant based - beans, lentils, tofu…

  • Fats keep our heart, brain and blood vessels healthy. Keep in mind that vitamins A,D,E,K are fat soluble. Learn more about healthy fats and put them in your menu every time you have the occasion. Look for all kind of raw nuts (but don’t go nuts with the nuts :) ), seeds, extra virgin olive oil, omega 3 rich foods like sardines and pumpkin seeds, avocado… In practice: add seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, flaxseeds, chia) in salads or smoothies, choose omega 3 rich fish when you have the occasion (mackerel, salmon, sardines) and don’t say no to avocado spreads and dark chocolate (responsable)…

  • Carbs are like fuel. Try to stick to slow digesting carbs, as much as you can - Look for whole grains, like wild and brown rice, whole grain and sprouted grain flours, beans, yogurt, kefir (dairy is a valuable protein source in the same time), potatoes, sweet potatoes, fresh fruits, frozen fruits…

  • Look for a proper hydration.

  • Look for quality natural supplements (Vitamins, Minerals, Joint Supplements, Omega’s) but only after speaking with a specialist and when you know you can not bring all nutrients from food…

What to skip ?

  • Processed foods - many times the availability the price and the taste are their main advantage and many times you get unbalanced food (very fat or very sweet or both) with a lot of chemicals.

  • Sugar - the key word here is moderation, try to reduce sweetened drinks or sweets to special occasions. Try not to develop daily habits with sweetened products.

  • Stimulants - like caffeine and alcohol - again moderation is the key here. Some of us work better after the morning coffee, and also the social aspect of a glass of wine is important but try keep things under control :). Your body can function well without stimulants :)

What else to do ?

  • Eat when you are hungry and don’t eat to regulate your emotions.

  • Plan things ahead. Plan your next day,  plan your next week. For example, if you want to have a healthy dinner check if you have the ingredients in your house.

  • Try to match the food quantity you eat with your needs.

  • Move often when you have the opportunity. Between “the couch” and “heavy workouts” you have a lot of easy and fun activities like walking or biking in a park or on your way to the office.

  • Buy the best quality food you can afford. It is an investment in you.

  • A supportive environment helps.( people with the same goals, maybe a social network group… )


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