How much water should we drink ?

We are water :)…

We are over 50% water, in fact if you google it you will find results pointing to around 60% water in an adult body. Of course our different cells and tissues contain different amounts of water from cca. 20% water in the composition of our bones or over 80% water in the composition of our blood but an average water percent of our body composition would be around 60%.

Water helps our body to keep a normal temperature, get rid of waste substances by urine and perspiration, lubricate joints, dissolves substances, brings minerals…( We add water in our body by drinking water or juices and also from foods and we loose water by sweating, breathing, urinating.

Our body “tells” us when we need to drink by feeling thirsty. We feel thirsty when it is hot, when we ate something too sweet or too salty, after a party where we had a few shots :)…

Too less or too much water ?

The water quantity is related to electrolytes - more precise sodium.

When we don’t have enough water in body we speak about dehydration. More exactly there is more water out than water in.

When there is too much water in our body (especially in relation with electrolites) we speak about hyponatremia. In this situation we have too much water related to sodium. Severe problems or death were associated with “drinking water contest”, or drugs that have “thirst” as a secondary effect.

Ok these are general information but how do I know if I’m dehydrated ?

People don’t adapt to dehydration. We can not train ourselves to be better or resist more without water. We just have to replenish the fluids we loose.

Dehydration symptoms look like fatigue, dizziness, low blood pressure with increased heart rate, dry mouth, increased thirst. (

By looking at a urine chart and compare the colour of your urine with the matching color in the chart. The chart goes from slightly yellow - very good,  to dark brown - which means severe dehydration. (

So how much water should we drink during a day  ?

As a general information, according to,  the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommend 3.7 litres of fluid per day for men and 2.7 litres of fluid for women. This covers all fluids from water, other drinks and food. ( Other sources suggest an average value of 3 litres fluids per day for adults from which 2 litres from water and 1 litre from food. These recommendations are for most people under normal conditions and cover fluids from water, other beverages and food. About 20% of daily fluid intake usually comes from food and the rest from drinks.

How to reach 2 liters of water per day ? Strategies

Of course the hydration plan or strategy varies with activity, sports or how warm it is outside. These are general suggestions for normal people living and working in a confortable environment.

    • Prepare a glass and a bottle in the kitchen or even in the bathroom so you can see it every morning and remember to drink a glass

    • Drink a glass of water at every meal

    • Have water bottle with you (a portable one to help track your water intake)

Exercising and water

Athletes and people doing sports should increase their water intake according to activity and the environment. Many times in this situations the thirst sensation comes too late and there is danger of dehydration especially when sweating a lot or doing the activity at high temperatures. So in these situations it is recommended to have some water at your disposal and start hydrate before you feel “thirsty”. (Get extra attention to activities in hot environment that can last long or longer than initially planned… )

  • An average quantity for physical activity will be 0.5 - 1 liter per hour and the same quantity after the training session. (But of course this depends on the temperature, workout intensity, sweat quantity … )





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