Tasty or Healthy ? Do I Have To Choose ?


Tasty or healthy ? What am I choosing ? Try to think about this. How many times when you order food you think only about the taste and how many times you think to order something healthy ? Sometimes, maybe too many times you let taste decide for you, I think “comfort food” is the expression which describes it better…

But what if sometimes you try to make an exercise and order the most healthy meal you find in the menu ? Would you know exactly what to order ? And even if you would know it, I bet that the first times you do it, you won’t feel very confident or you will have the feeling that you lost a good meal…  The truth is that healthy food does not necessary mean less taste, it is just a barrier some of us have in mind.

At the end the only thing that counts is your wish to eat healthier and to be interested to eat healthier, the rest is a matter of time. You will develop new habits which you’ll like. It is a decision you have to make. You can wait forever for “ONE DAY” to start eating healthy or make tomorrow “DAY ONE”.


Slow Food, Fast Food, “Healthy On The Go” ?


Small changes, little things done constantly…