Apple Sauce And … Apple Risotto :)

It is late September and it is the moment when the local market is full of local grape varieties. And speaking of grapes we get to grape juice :) … yes, the one that becomes wine :)… You can use grape juice instead of sugar when making jams and any kind of fruit sauces. You can either reduce it by simmering it and you will obtain a grape syrup which is a great natural sweetener, or you can add it as it is to the fruits for the jam at the starting of the process. Just be careful with the quantities.

These days, having the opportunity to get fresh local grape juice and some organic apples, I tried to make a simple and tasty apple sauce … just grape juice, apples and a pinch of quality cinnamon powder at the end (or a cinnamon bar during the process)… And after the apple sauce was ready, I started to think again at a recipe that crossed my mind a few times : Risotto with apple sauce and cinnamon …

The Apple Sauce

I peeled the apples, cut them in medium dices (of course after I removed the middle area), and put them in the blender. I immediately added the juice from a lemon for preventing the oxidation and preserving the light colour, then I added the grape juice and blended the apples shortly on low speed ( I just wanted to brake the fibre and incorporate the grape juice ). After blending I transferred the composition in a heavy pot and gently simmered and stir it for about 2 hours and a half until the juices reduced and the texture became silky. When the sauce was ready I put it in glass jars and sprinkled over a pinch of cinnamon powder before closing the lid. For better preserving the sauce I put the jars in a low pot with a few centimetres of water in it and gave that water a simmer for about 30 minutes. (You can do this also in oven  - 150 C for 30 minutes or so … )

I prepared a larger quantity of apple sauce  - about 4 recipients - jars of 400 ml each … If you prepare just a small quantity let’s say just enough for the risotto you can simplify the process. After peeling the apples and remove the middle part, cut them in medium dices and add them to a thick bottom pot, squeeze a half lemon over, cover with grape juice and simmer it about 45 minutes or until they are soft. At this point you can puree the apples with a blender and simmer again till you reach the desired consistency. ( If you can not find grape juice you can use water and if you consider the sauce it is not sweet enough you can add a little bit of honey … )

The risotto

I prepared the risotto using just rice and organic rice drink with coconut flavour. Feel free to use your favourite liquid. Before you start the risotto be sure you have the hot liquid ready. In a thick bottom pot add the rice, cover with liquid and bring to a simmer while gently mix it time to time. After the liquid in the pot begins simmering, continue stirring gently and when the liquid is incorporated add more hot liquid but in small quantities and stir until you incorporate it. This technique requires a rice with a high starch content … arborio rice is perfect but you can use any type of “risotto rice” ( but be sure it is risotto rice ). Repeat this process of adding small quantities of hot liquid and stirring until you reach a smooth creamy consistency. This can take 30-40 minutes. Be careful it is easy to burn the risotto if you are not around.  And keep the heat to minimum. When the risotto is ready add two table spoons of apple sauce, mix it and put it the bowls or plates you intend to serve it, then sprinkle over some cinnamon powder … After you have the rice on the plate or bowl you can add another two table spoons of apple sauce on one side … Enjoy :) !!!


The sauce - for about 400 grams

  • Organic / Best you can get apples - 1000 grams

  • Organic / Best you can get grape juice - 250 ml

  • A pinch of cinnamon powder

The risotto - for 2 persons (about 420-450 grams of risotto)

  • Arborio rice - 100 grams

  • Organic rice drink with coconut - 400 ml (I used “The Bridge“)


Creamy Potato Sauce


Parmesan Eggplant