Red Sauce Pasta

Simple and tasty …

This is an easy to cook recipe loved by kids. The value of this recipe stays in its ingredients and in the way you cook it. Its apparent simplicity hides complex flavours and valuable nutrients. All you have to do is choose “Best You Can Get” ingredients, respect the cooking times and techniques and have fun :)


Try to respect the boiling time marked on the pasta package. The pasta should have a firm and elastic feel without being too hard. For fun and variation try with different pasta shapes and types until you find your favourite one. Spaghetti, penne or farfale is important to keep an eye on the quality and source.

The Healthy Technique: Making the sauce without frying and overheating the olive oil maintains a clean and fresh taste and a lot of unmodified nutrients good for your health. You can fine tune the taste and the thickness of the sauce by modifying the garlic quantity and by slightly increase or decrease boiling time. The final touch is the fresh olive added after the sauce is ready.

Ingredients - For two persons

Good quality extra virgin olive oil - 2 spoons

  • Good quality / Best you can get parmesan cheese - 1 spoon

  • Organic / Homemade/ Best you can get tomato juice :) - 500 ml

  • Organic / Best you can get garlic - 2 garlic cloves

  • A few leaves of chopped fresh basil / Dried basil - 1 spoon

  • Wholemeal bio pasta (Penne, Fusilli...Your Choice) - 250 grams


In a pot add 2 liters of water, 1/2 t-spoon of salt and heat the water till boiling point

  • Add the pasta and mix gently to avoid pasta sticking

  • Boil the pasta for the time interval indicated on the package and then immediately mix the pasta with the sauce

  • Both the sauce and the pasta must be warm

  • Let the pasta combine with the sauce for about 5 minutes

  • Put the pasta in plates and gently sprinkle the parmesan cheese over the top

  • Add a few drops of olive oil

  • Enjoy


In a pot add half a spoon of extra virgin olive oil and 2 chopped garlic cloves and mix with with a spoon to pass the garlic flavour to the oil

  • Add 500 ml organic/homemade/best you can get tomato juice

  • Add a teaspoon of dried basil or a few leaves of chopped fresh basil

  • Add a pinch of salt

  • Gently simmer at low fire around 30 minutes in order to obtain a deli-cious tomato sauce then add a half spoon olive oil, mix gently and turn off the heat


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