Cocoa Almond Ice Cream

An easy and tasty ice cream recipe if you do not have an ice cream maker at home.

The recipe

One day before

Freeze overnight 200 ml of almond rice drink in an ice cubes tray. (I used almond rice drink but feel free to use your favourite)

The day you prepare the ice cream

Take out the frozen cubes of almond rice drink from the freezer and put them in a powerful blender with the cashew, coconut milk, cocoa powder, the dates  and the almonds, and blend at high speed for a minute - a minute and a half until you have a creamy texture.

Transfer the content into a casserole (inbox, glass, enamel) and freeze it for minimum 4 hours. After the first hour mix a little bit with a spoon as much as you can then put it back in the freezer.

When you serve it take it out from the freezer with about 20 minutes in advance, then scrap it with a spoon when you put it in the serving bowls or glasses.

Grate some black chocolate over the top and …

Enjoy !

INGREDIENTS - for four portions

Organic or “Best you can get” !

  • Coconut Milk  - 200 ml

  • Bio almond - rice drink - 400 ml

  • Raw almonds - 25 grams

  • Raw cashew - 25 grams

  • Cocoa powder - 2 table spoons

  • Dates - 80 - 100 grams

  • 100% Cocoa Dark Chocolate (for grating over the top) - 15 grams


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